MONA - a brand thinking differently
The light instillation is a work called ‘spectra’ by artist Ryoji Ikeda and can be seen up to 100kms from Hobart, reaching over 250,000 people. In addition, this monumental installation is live streamed to a global audience through Facebook.
As always MONA is being noticed, be it through media promoting ‘spectra’ or locals and people across the globe experiencing MONA from the safety of their own home.
Marketing in a recession
Australia is about to go into a recession, we have been warned, we have been there before and know how it plays out. Albert Einstein once said “If you want to know the future, look at the past.”
So let’s have a look at the past.
Businesses who maintained or grew their advertising spend during recessions not only set the company up to survive the recession, but they thrived in the period that followed.
This result has nothing to do with the recession, it has everything to do with advertising share of voice. Simplistically, if you are the only brand in the market advertising and promoting yourselves, your brand becomes the only brand in the segment for the consumer.
While during the recession it is likely you will experience a reduced return on your advertising investment, you will likely increase market share, and once the economy improves your chance to maintain market share is strong.
The alternative is your brand goes dark, loses market share, loses customers to competitors and has to start again.
What are you going to do?
Moonlit Sanctuary - building connections for the future
At its heart, Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park wants to help animals and halt extinction.
They understand that that every contact they have with a person is an opportunity to create a connection that can help save endangered Australian native wildlife from extinction.
So while their gates may be closed, they are continuing to reach out, engage and encourage their audience to connect with local wildlife in new ways, until they can once again visit Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park.
Their most recent initiative was a school holiday Backyard Wildlife Photography Competition that attracted over 500 entries. Simple and effective, they now have over 500 children connected and engaged in their plight and more likely to visit the Moonlit Sanctuary when it reopens.
This is one of the winning photos by Connor Bowes in the Year 10-12 category.
Bulla - a brand extension
For years, Bulla has been the ice cream served from plastic tubs in homes across middle Australia after tea with chocolate topping. And while plastic tubs are still available, Bulla has been loosing market share, while the industry has seen strong growth in the premium ice cream category.
Bulla ice cream has responded with the release of their award winning premium ice cream product, Bulla Murray Street.
Watching this video you'll see that Bulla has a deep understanding their new target market, and is truly passionate about their people, their place and delivering a quality product from the heart.
We can't wait to share more of the Bulla Murray Street brand building journey with you, but in the meantime....... pick up a cheeky iso tub of Bulla Murray Street Caramel Maple & Macadamia, it's amazing.