Consumers are served over 10,000 advertisements every day.

Understanding how to develop and execute an advertising strategy that will cut through the noise, and achieve your desired advertising goals is more important than ever.

Success relies on a number of factors including; your brand, your target market, your creative, getting the media mix right, and of course your budget.

It’s about constructing integrated messaging across the right media, that seamlessly engages the target audience.   And when you get this right, your audience responds, and you achieve the desired goals for your company.

Here are some tips to consider

Budget – Be clear on your budget. This will help you prioritize the channels that will give you the best return, and achieve your campaign goals.

Know your audience – Have a deep understanding of your target market, know who they are, where they are, how they consume media, understand their values and how to speak to them.

Good creative and messaging will make your campaign – work with the best agency you can afford.   Develop a solid brand and creative platform and stick with it – remember you’ll get tired of you creative before your consumers have even caught on to it.

Know your competitors – Know what they are doing, where they are advertising and if it is working.  Don’t be obsessed, but learn, listen and leverage.

Be clear on your advertising objectives – Prepare a cracking brief – the best briefs return the rockstar status work.   And ensure your product, brand, and value proposition are clearly defined.

Be brave– your media choice will be informed by your brief, budget, product and brand.   At all times keep the customer at the centre of your media decision making, and think beyond social media and digital – traditional media will often deliver better cut through in a less cluttered market .   And be brave, test and trial new media .

Measure, measure, measure – Measuring and monitoring the performance of your advertising is critical to allow you to adjust your advertising strategy to continually improve performance


When you reach the right person, at the right time with the right message you will achieve your goals.

If you need a hand developing your advertising plan, creative and messaging, give Alison McDowell a call to and let Roadmap Strategy help take away the pain and get the rubber hitting the road.